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Advertising Information:


How To Write Kick-Ass, Profit Pulling Adverts For Your Business?

Doesn't that just grab you by the eyeballs and make you stop dead in your tracks? I mean it's a little harsh - grammatically speaking - but holy smokes, it does it have 'stopping power'..

How to SAVE Yourself from Spending too Much Money on Advertising!

How much money have you spent in Advertising, Promotion & Marketing? If you're like most people you've probably spent over $1000 or more. Many individuals and companies have spent $2000 to $50,000 in Advertising within a course of 1 Year.

Why Your Ads Aren't Working

The president of a manufacturing company recently asked me, "Why isn't my advertising working?" Have you ever been asked this question? Have you ever asked it yourself? Like most marketing communications questions there are no simple answers. After all, communication is a high level activity.

The TV Shoot, The Spoiled Brat, And A Painful Lesson

It was two days before our shoot. I was in the office with the client going over the story boards and filling him in on all the details for his latest television campaign.

A $40 Million Dollar Little Known Referral Strategy

Would you like to know how a car wash chain with only 12 locations has cleaned over 33,373,975 cars and has an annual revenue of over $40 Million (that is not a misprint) using little to no paid advertising? Well, sit forward because I'm about to tell you. The company name is "Car Spa" and here's how I discovered their brutally effective referral strategy.

Do You Really Need a Brochure?

Traditional brochures typically tell the story of your company, i.e.

How To Write Really Good Ads

All sales begin with some form of advertising. To build sales, this advertising must be seen or heard by potential buyers, and cause them to react to the advertising in some way.

Is Your Advertising... Sexy?

Ever hear the term 'sexy' advertising? It's not necessarily what you think. Sure, some people's idea of sexy advertising is hot babes in bikinis spraying beer all over each other, but that's overtly sexual and not what we're about to discuss here.

Change, or Reinforce?

Do you know about the distinction - and it's a useful one - between communication that tries to reinforce and communication that tries to get change? If you follow politics you'll already be familiar with this idea: Incumbents send messages that reinforce existing voter behavior, while challengers call for changes. Any thoughtful marketing communication (and political communication is marketing communication) will be strongly influenced by this distinction, which affects not only the content, but also the presentation, and perhaps even the medium.

The Only Bad Advertising Is No Advertising - Or Is It?

Depending on whom you ask, you will get told many "truths" about advertising. The question I have for you today is this - "Is the only bad advertising, no advertising?" Before we begin, it might help us to agree on what advertising is, so here's one definition: Advertising is the non-personal communication of an individual's paid persuasive information regarding products, and or services via various media.

The Benefits of Specific Advertising

The great Claude Hopkins (Author of Scientific Advertising) once said, "Platitudes and generalities roll off the human understanding like water from a duck. They leave no impression whatever.

5 Newspaper Advertising Myths Revealed

What I'm about to reveal are myths that most people think are 'true.' They seem set in stone yet they are deadly to the advertiser.

Radio and Television Ads: Clever Vs. Annoying

Ever heard or seen a radio or television commercial that you really liked and actually looked forward to hearing or seeing again only to be assaulted by another one so annoying it made you want to heave your radio or television out the window? What makes one commercial so enjoyable while others seem to be so abysmal? It's all in the ability to make the listener or viewer remember the ad in a creative, clever way and I'm about to give you some advice on how to do just that so read on! One of the most successful ways of creating clever ads is to add humor. Unfortunately that's not an easy thing to do as you have probably heard or seen many commercials try and fail.

Seven Ways to Waste Your Money on Yellow Pages Advertising

Each year there is a Yellow Pages arms race where competitors in each category are encouraged to out spend each other. There is only one winner in this arms race, and it is not you! Too many advertisers waste their money on Yellow Pages advertising without first considering their marketing strategy.

The Graphic Problem

Digital printing has revolutionized the sign industry. Current printers can reproduce an image at 1440 dpi (dots per inch) at virtually any size.

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   Advertising information related ebooks tips articles from the Advertising Information Channel:

10 Ways to Advertise Your Business For Free!
At some point many small business owners are left with no or a small amount of capital to promote their business. But many entrepreneurs utilize these free or low budget yet effective tactics to promote their business online and offline.

Joint Ventures Increase Profits Quickly
A joint venture is when two or more businesses join together to work on a project for a set period of time. Doing joint ventures with other businesses can increase your chances of beating your competition, increase your sales and increase your profits quickly.

16 Methods for Getting Free Advertising
1. Place copies of your circular on bulletin boards throughout your community, such as in coin-operated laundries, grocery stores, barber shops, etc.

Harness the Power of Direct Marketing - More Small Business Power Tools
One of the most powerful tools available to small businesses is direct mail. By this I don't mean electronic, Internet-based mail, but the old-fashioned kind that requires a stamp and a trip to the post office.

Media Savvy - How To Manage Your Time To Gain The Best Media Coverage
Did you know generating positive media coverage is four times more effective than advertising? Getting exposure in the media is far-reaching, utterly credible and free. As an added bonus you may well attract an audience that you never anticipated.

Double Your Sales Potential With Double-sided Business Cards
Swapping business cards is one of the most basic and common forms of networking in the business world. With something that is so common practice, people often hand out cards blindly while not really thinking about what the card does AFTER you hand it out.

The Only Bad Advertising Is No Advertising - Or Is It?
Depending on whom you ask, you will get told many "truths" about advertising. The question I have for you today is this - "Is the only bad advertising, no advertising?" Before we begin, it might help us to agree on what advertising is, so here's one definition: Advertising is the non-personal communication of an individual's paid persuasive information regarding products, and or services via various media.

Effective Promotions Through Local Classified Sites
Today's online marketplace is extremely competitive. People want to market their products and services with the most cost effective manner possible.

Advertising, Public Relations, Newsletters, and Newsletters for Your Small Business
If you own a small business you should consider ways to promote yourself through public relations to compliment you advertising regiment and keeping your name out in the public and in front of your best customers. There are many ways to keep yourself visible on top of your typical advertising choices.

Hit Them With Benefits
More about advertising from BIG Mike McDaniel. It makes no difference what media you use to advertise, the rules are the same. Benefits, benefits, benefits.

13 Facts About Newspaper Advertising
Advertising in the paper works for many people in business. The astute merchant understands the newspaper's weaknesses and works to avoid them whenever possible.

Take Advantage of Your Foes
Let's take an example that is easy to check: I am French. Among the readers who reacted while reading that, an half felt their painful stomach ulcers starting up again while the others remembered their burning desire for visiting France.

Why Your Ads Aren't Working
The president of a manufacturing company recently asked me, "Why isn't my advertising working?" Have you ever been asked this question? Have you ever asked it yourself? Like most marketing communications questions there are no simple answers. After all, communication is a high level activity.

A Lesson In Advertising From The Eighteenth Century
Back in the 1760s, the great Dr Samuel Johnson delivered himself of the dictum that 'promise, large promise is the soul of advertising'. It's a good thought, a great thought; and I contend that what was true then is equally true today.

Create Your Own Business Cards, Part 2
This is the second part of creating your own business card. If you missed the first one, let me know: mailto:webmistress@janes-place.

Offline Advertising Secrets: Using Offline Advertising to Get the Most from Your Name Squeeze Page
Many people online are not using one of the best advertising methods around. I'm talking about offline print advertising.

For All Those People Who Struggle With Benefits and Features
For Everyone Who Has Ever Struggled Sorting Out Benefits From Features - "SWAT Them!" SWAT is not actually an acronym. It is a compaction of the question "so what?" You see, one of the biggest problems that even experienced copywriters and marketers fall into is being clear on what benefits their product or service actually delivers to their customers.

Worn Out Brochure Design Is Keeping Small Business Owners Down
I got another one of those calls the other day..

Ten Secrets for Getting FREE Advertising
The opportunities for getting free advertising for your product or services are only limited by your imagination and energy. There are so many proven ways to promote without cost it's truly mind-boggling!  Here are ten proven methods.

How To Make A Fortune With FREE Advertising!
How To Gain FREE Advertising That Will Make You Rich! Okay-Just What Exactly Is "Free Advertising"???Before I get into the specifics of actually HOW to get free advertising - it's important for you to completely understand exactly what free advertising is. "Free Advertising" is any mention, listing or "blurb" about your product in a magazine, newsletter, book, manual, directory etc.

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