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Assessing the Opportunities Presented by the New Iraqi Currency

Could it be possible that you are staring right into the most spectacular financial opportunity of the century? Operation: Iraqi Freedom will undoubtedly be a war marked in history for loss and tragedy, American victory, and the rise of a nation with a new democratic government. But could it also be a war historically remembered for the financial opportunity it created for the sharp investors who keenly recognized an ephemeral chance at the right time?

The War on Iraq ended with a nation placed on the footstool of many new operations. An old dictator was removed; a new government was instilled, and the old currency, each note stamped with the face of the now powerless Saddam Hussein, was suddenly valueless and burned in the streets by American soldiers. In its place entered a new currency, beautifully created with the input of the people and history of Iraq.

The United States funded this new currency, artistically crafted by the De La Rue, the world's premier currency printers. Unveiled during a press conference in the capitol city of Bagdad, the new Iraqi currency was introduced. A historic university, erected in the thirteenth century, is etched into the one thousand dinar bills. A serene waterfall graces the front of the periwinkle five thousand dinar notes. And a humble, hardworking farmer holds up a sheaf of wheat on the most substantial bill of all: the twenty five thousand dinar note.

Twenty five thousand dinars! That sounds like a huge value allotted to a single bill of currency. But in fact, today, this note is only worth 17.12 US dollars! Today, the average American's savings account could make them a millionaire in Iraq.

But what does this mean? How does this present such an outrageous financial opportunity? In 1990, prior to the Gulf War and before any sanctions were placed on Iraq, the Iraqi dinar was equivalent to approximately $3.40. And prior to Operation: Iraqi Freedom, the Iraqi dinar still maintained a value of about 30 cents. That's about three hundred times what it's worth today.

The United States and several other nations are in the process of taking every measure possible to rebuild Iraq. The country is gaining stability, and could soon be in its way to becoming an independent and prosperous nation. What would this mean for the value of the Iraqi currency? Certainly it would mean a rise in its value. It could go back to what it was worth before the war, or more. And that would mean an unbelievable return for anyone who invested in it today. It could mean thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars for someone who had a million dinars today.

The value of the Iraqi economy has nearly doubled since the capture of Saddan Hussein. This has many investors predicting that the dinar will continue to rise in value as well. Even without help from other nations, with the world's second largest oil reserve and the world's largest gas reserve, it is abundantly clear that Iraq has the resources available to expand and become an extremely prosperous nation. In fact, economists and investors are speculating that Iraq has the potential to become among the wealthiest nations in the world.

Today you can take advantage of this potential and be part of those that benefit from Iraq's success the most. Purchasing the Iraqi dinar at its most vulnerable point in history could mean a fortune in the near future. This means nothing short of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for today's forward-thinking investors.

Learn more about this unique opportunity and how to purchase the dinar at with American Trading Company.

About The Author

Sakina A. Walsh is a personal investor in the Iraqi Dinar, and comes from a family of economists. She has worked for several financial and investment companies, and has most recently partnered with American Trading Company where she has become very enthusiastic about the opportunities presented by the new Iraqi currency.

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