Lowest prices on portable walls for sale in Akron Ohio
used Kiosk presentation supplies for sale in Akron Ohio
Mall and flea market vendor supplies in Akron Ohio
Privacy panels available in several sizes and styles.
Ideal for Mall kiosks, trade shows, booths, flea markets ,
soundproofing, room dividers, moveable walls, office panels, political campaigns,
Sunday School classroom dividers etc.
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below wholesale
Discount Office Supply
I dare you to find a lower price anywhere!
Used Office Equipment for sale
Used Office Supplies for sale
Many sizes of cubicle partition portable walls some with electric
each retails for approximately $99.00 and up.
Partitions provides privacy, acoustic shielding and an attractive appearance
into your workspace.
These decorative room dividers work equally well as art or project display
The cubicle desk offers an occasion
for customization by its users which is not comparable to other desk
forms. It can transform all of the walls surrounding the worker in
productive work surfaces, or nooks for personal expression. Because all of
the walls are within grasp or reach all of the time, and because many of
them offer holes and hooks for hanging small shelves, bulletin boards or
other accessories, elements which were once placed only on the horizontal
surface of the desktop can be moved to the vertical surfaces all around.
When these are gone this insane price may never be seen again.
PRICE $20.00
per panel section any size any
Weights rounded off to the next highest full pound to allow for
<--Example of 5 sections shown in photo
(6 panels available)
cubicle walls (grey color)
59" high by 37" wide each panel section
Velcro type hook & loop fabric
for tack board display or attaching miscellaneous office posters, papers, etc.
See our corner
desktop-countertops to create a workstation similar in design to this.
Make any purchase of $100.00 or more
and we will place your website link here free of charge!
Accepted online only. No checks accepted.
For your convenience; You may if you choose to do so
make an instant secure online Visa, MasterCard, Discover, PayPal, payment before arriving
to make your pick-up.
Please contact us before arriving
so we can confirm and have your order ready for you.
Small business opportunities.
Go into business for yourself for less than $5000.00
Work your own hours. Let the internet be your building or place of business.
Start up your businesses for just pennies compared to other brick and mortar types.
The internet brings customers to you from all over the world.
The potential to reach out to hundreds of millions of new customers daily.
Go to work everyday in your pajamas.
www.rent-a-page.com and get started right now.
It truly is just as simple as sending an e-mail to get up and running.
Your can be open for business this week. Each hour that passes by, someone else
taking what profits may have been yours.
For your convenience: You may, if you
choose to do so
make an instant secure online Visa, MasterCard, Discover, PayPal, payment before arriving to make your pick-up.
setup a new PayPal account here