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Using RSS Feeds to Set Off a Traffic Explosion

RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is the perfect answer to your needs for sharing and distributing content. The way this works is webmasters can share bits of code with one another that give them access to the others forums, newsletters, blogs, information, news, and the like. When this information is shared, it can create a massive increase in traffic. Read the following suggestions regarding RSS feeds and increasing traffic for your website to decide if this is the right marketing tool for you.

Tip #1 Large Sites with Advertising

For these types of sites, like Forbes, Disney, and the like, RSS feeds do in fact increase traffic. This is really a great way to boost traffic for these types of sites so if you are the webmaster of a similar site then trying RSS feeds as a way to increase traffic is a good idea.

Tip #2 Affiliates and Small Sellers

If you are an individual depending on affiliate programs to generate cash for your website, or if you sell your own products, then RSS feeds are a great tool to use to generate more income. You can use RSS to provide interesting news links which will keep your pages fresh and attract additional search engine traffic. If you are a small business and need more traffic and visitors, try using RSS feeds to display fresh, on topic news and see if it boosts your targeted traffic.

Tip #3 Evaluate RSS

RSS allows you to publish your content on other people's websites, so consider creating a feed that contains details about the products you offer and submit it to the major RSS feed directories. Give your feed some time to be picked up by various resources, and you should experience a traffic surge simply by adding RSS to your bag of internet marketing tactics..

RSS feeds set off a traffic explosion for some websites and for others it simply serves to redirect traffic. In order to make the best decision about RSS feeds you need to have all of the information and test whether or not RSS is working well for your site. Give RSS a try and test it, if for some reason it works against you, simply stop using it. With RSS, don't expect your traffic to quadruple overnight... but you should see results in no time at all!


David Winer  Guy Kawasaki

Return of the RSS reader  Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard

RSS Feeds and How To Burn Them  Business 2 Community News

The podcast revolution  Harvard Gazette

Veteran of the Day Home | Veterans Affairs

RRS Sir David Attenborough  British Antarctic Survey

NCSC RSS feeds  National Cyber Security Centre

Feed Me Featured  Film Threat

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Why Blogs Have Become the Search Engine Optimization Equalizer

So You Have a Blog, Now What Do You Do With It? Blog Basics
(This article assumes that you have already set up a blog on your website. I highly recommend using sBlog:

Blog Construction
Blogs like all forms of writing are an art form that takes knowledge and practice to do well. Writing? Blogs? Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing.

6 Ways That Blogging Can Save You Money
Even though I've had several personal blogs for years, I've only been officially business blogging since 2003. So in going back over expenses for the last quarter, you can imagine my shock when I realized that my overall business costs were down about 19%.

RSS is Not Only for Blogs
Contrary to popular opinion, RSS is not only good for delivering content from your blog, although blogs are what made RSS so popular. In fact, RSS can be used to deliver a great variety of content and content types.

The Real Bloggers Must Come From Another Planet - I Can't Find Any Here On Earth
What in the world is up with the world of blogs? Blogs are meant to be this great new technology where people can share their ideas and interests with others around the globe. As far as I'm concerned the state of blogs is one of chaos, confusion, and anti-interactivity.

Business Blogs and Their Benefits
Blog is a medium for self-expression on web. Blogs are in the form of few paragraph entries.

Advertising in RSS Feeds: Are we risking disaster?
Advertising in RSS feeds is something that Google is considering offering to its Adwords and Adsense customers. RSS stands for Really Simply Syndication and is a really easy way for a webmaster to share their news and information stories to the world wide web.

Blogging on Ecademy Will Boost Your Web Site
For many people blogging is the way in which they are able to update their web site with new information and fresh content. As such, blogs are a great way of gaining returning visitors to your web site.

Avoid Bad Manners While Blogging
Blogging, the hottest trend in online publishing right now, is currently spreading like wildfire across the Internet. A cross between an online journal and a bulletin board, everyone from rock starts, politicians, business leaders and your average "Joe" or "Jane" can instantly become a center of influence online using blogs.

The Full Circle of RSS Marketing Power
RSS is a many-in-one marketing & publishing tool, although unfortunately most marketers still fail to understand this powerful concept. While RSS does provide a number of benefits when used for each individual marketing function, best results are achieved when it is fully integrated in your internet marketing strategy.

It Really Is Simple RSS
I have 'Googlebot' coming to my site every day since a month ago I put up my first news feed, since then I have put up yet another. I never used to see 'Googlebot' much before, so it goes to show that if you want to be noticed by the search engines, you need to put up a 'news-feed'.

Use RSS Feeds to Improve Search Engine Optimization and Ranking
RSS is rapidly becoming a "must have" for a proper search engine optimization. But what exactly is RSS? RSS or Rich Site Syndication (or Really Simple Syndication, depending on who you ask) is a file format similar to XML, and is used by publishers to make their content available to others in a format that can be universally understood.

What the Heck is a Blog?
Everybody is talking about blogs. They are everywhere: on the TV, in the newspapers, and all over the internet.

Top 6 Reasons for Having a RSS Feed - Come and Explore the Possibilities!
Getting traffic to your website can be hard. No one just randomly types in "make lots of money online quickly and from home".

RSS FEEDS: Whither Thou Goest?
I open up the 'Feed Reader' every day on my laptop and cruise the 'news feeds' I 'subscribe' to. The amount of information is now overwhelming, I need to just 'subscribe' to only the 'feeds' that are of immediate interest, else I would be reading 'feeds' twenty four hours every day.

The Fearful, Ignorant Guy Has Got A Blog On The Internet - It Must Be Easy!
Of all people in the world I was easily one of the most pessimistic about computers, the Internet and now that I even know they exist-blogs. I think blogs are pretty cool but I never thought I could have one.

Why Every Site Needs RSS
RSS or 'Really Simple Syndication' is not just for Blogs and News sites. Every website can benefit from this newly popular technology.

Using RSS for Publishing and Syndication
There are two reasons why you would want to use RSS as a webmaster and that is for publishing and syndicating your content. If you publish your content via an RSS channel then you can keep your subscribers notified of changes to your site, announcements and news.

How Blogs Can Be An Excellent Promotional Tool
Blogs as an online promotional strategy if done right could save you huge dollars in reaching out to people. This is also a medium where you need have absolutely no dependence whatsoever on any professional help and you can do everything yourself.

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