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The pet information channel Pet Information: The pet information channel

Caring for an Older Cat - Cat Health and Cat Care

Cats are living longer lives thanks to dedicated care from their humans, and advances in veterinary medicine. Most experts consider a cat's "senior years" to begin on her 10th birthday.


How To Keep Your Cat Healthy - Cat Feeding Explained

Cats have a reputation for being finicky eaters, but that is usually a distortion of the truth. Cats have a very keen sense of taste and smell, and they know what they like.


How To Know What Your Cat Wants When It Talks To You - Cat Communication Explained

Many people think cats are asocial, but in fact they are very social animals. They bond with other cats in their house or neighborhood, their owners, even other pets like dogs and birds.


Safety in the Fresh Air and the Outdoors for Your Cat - How To Build a Cattery

Animal welfare organizations and humane societies have been very successful in helping people to accept that their cats are safer living exclusively indoors, especially in urban areas. However, cat lovers still want to give their cats a chance to enjoy fresh air and all the sights and sounds that come with it.


Finding the Perfect Cat or Kitten for You and Your Family

Some people say they are exclusively "cat people," meaning they only want to have a cat as a pet. That doesn't mean that just any cat will be the right companion.


First Aid for Felines - How to Keep Your Car Safe from Harm

Cats are known for their curious and adventurous nature. Curiosity doesn't always kill the cat, but can often cause injury.


Correcting Cats Bad Behavior: How To Discipline Your Cat; You'll Be Happy; Your Cat Will Be Too!

At some time or another even the sweetest cat "misbehaves." Ironically, a cat's bad act is usually quite normal behavior for her, but may have a result humans don't like or want.


How to Care for Your Kitten

Caring for a kitten is a lot of work. With her high energy and intense curiosity and sense of adventure, raising a kitten will keep you on your toes.


Your Guide to Cat Breeds

For the first 8,000 years of their relationship with humans, cats pretty much took care of their own breeding. People kept them for one purpose - hunting rodent - and they are already perfectly designed for that.


How To Keep Your Cat Healthy - Your Guide to Cat Diseases and Conditions, and How to Cure Them

Even with the best care, cats can become ill. Sometimes this means a simple "kitty cold," at other times the disease might have a more lasting or even fatal result.


How To Adopt A Shelter Cat - Your New Cat Will Thank You For Reading This Article

If you are thinking of adding a feline to your family, consider adopting a cat from your local animal shelter or humane society. The animals have been carefully screened for adoptability and have usually been worked with to enhance sociability.


What Should I Make My Snake Cage From?

What kind of materials should you use when constructing a snake cage? Snakes come in many different sizes - but usually only one shape. Even so, there are many different housing systems and styles for snakes.


Lower Your Veterinarian Costs And Increase the Longevity of Your Pets Lives

What does doing natural preventative care mean? I thought vaccinating, prevention medicines, and premium kibble was natural preventative care. Hardly.


Dog Crate Buyers Guide - How to Choose the Right Crate and Accessories

Why use a crate? When used properly and not abused, crates are the fastest and most humane method of housebreaking dogs. Dogs are den animals that will instinctively seek out a small, cozy place to rest for shelter and security.


Syrian vs. Dwarf Hamsters, What Should I Get For My Family?

As pets go hamsters are fairly easy to take care of. Hamsters require no walking, are not particularly dirty or stinky, they are small and don't take up much space and are generally inexpensive.


pet care information from the pet information channel More animal research articles from the Pets Information Channel: pet care information from the pet information channel
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Pets of the Week  The Mountaineer Echo

Pets of the Week  The Cherokee Scout

Dogs, Cats, Pets 195 - The Herald  Morgan County Herald

Pet Pulse: Senior Pets  My Bellingham Now

Five common plants to avoid if you have pets  Tillamook Headlight-Herald

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