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20 Tips to Creating a Profitable Website

As an online Entrepreneur you require a successful website.

One that you personal own.

On the Internet the two most used tools if you can call them that are Email, closely followed by Search Engines.

This applies to all Internet users and for Entrepreneurs owning your own website comes in as second equal with search engines.

Operating any business on the Internet requires communication with prospects, customers and other businesses. Email is used and accessed World wide and is user friendly for all computers and on cell phones too.

As an Entrepreneur or Business person your website and search engines work hand in hand, one is useless without the other.

Search Engines require information to fill a search for Joe Public and your part in this "Internet Partnership" is to supply the right information to the search engines.

You are in partnership with Search Engines and other Internet users. You don't have a choice!

Your business will only be successful if you work to provide good content for search engines and provide the searcher, your prospective customer with the information and product he or she is searching for.

Creating a website does not happen overnight, but requires planning, research, good layout and design, even before you start to build your site.

The basic preparation and planning play a large part in the end product. Deciding on the content will dictate the number of pages you need to create for your website.

The content can be enhanced with graphics, although this will depend on the information or products you will be placing on your site.

Creating a work of art may be relevant for a graphics related site but generally having a minimum of images in the content is better as pages that take longer than 10 seconds to load will not always be seen.

Here is why. Ask yourself how are prospective customers arriving at your site. The 4 main ways people arrive at your site are Email, directories, search engines and advertising.

With email and some advertising you are presenting your product or services to the reader (prospective customer) who chooses to visit your site. In this case the person is likely to wait for your page to load.

If however a person is looking for a specific service or information and finds your site listed in a directory, search engine or in an advertising venue, your site will be one of hundreds or perhaps even thousands so your prospective customer may not wait for your page to open and as they have a choice of hundreds of similar pages to choose from.

It is better to have short to the point pages that are keyword specific using the keyword in the page title, content description, in the page headline and in the content of your page.

Many sites are now using a css file (cascading style sheets) to create basic rules for some or all pages on a site. Simply put css is a mechanism for adding style like different fonts and colors for different headlines and text, images and spacing for page layout.

This creates pages that are an exact copy of each other and most times they are quicker loading. A css file is a little like a page template in that it applies rules to any number of features on a web page.

20 points to conider when creating your new web site.

1. Research and create unique content.

2. Use simple graphics.

3. Create page / site design and layout.

4. Register Domain name (use sub-domains as required)

5. Contend contained in sentences and short paragraphs.

6. Use sub headlines on every page.

7. Use quality web hosting.

8. Site should be people friendly.

9. Meta tags are still important for many search engines.

10. Create an advertising and search engine promotion plan.

11. Link to other relevant sites.

12. Cross linking pages within the page content.

13. Create fast loading pages between 10k to 30k.

14. Keep your site updated regularly.

15. Your site must be search engine friendly.

16. Create ad-copy for promotion purposes.

17. Create a number of short description of your site.

18. List your site in relevant Directories.

19. List your site with the major search engines.

20. Continue adding new pages and new content to your site.

Once you have you have done the ground work and preparation for your site, then it is time for either you or an experienced webmaster to build the site. It is also much easier to create basic promotion material and ad copy while you are putting the site content together.

Don't be limited to just the major search engines. There are many new search engines appearing every month. One I found last week is a cross between Google and a Pay-Per-Click search engine and also provides a page for your to list your Entrepreneurial Business. offers free listings and provides an affiliate member program. It is well worth a look. You'll find a text link at the top right of the page to receive your own free traffic Generating page. They also provide a search box that is easily added to your site.

You even get paid for signing up free members!

Like Google has AdWords, SearchEstate call theirs Billboards. They are placed on sites around the Internet. They provide a marketing CO-OP and a range of other stuff.

Tip, Websites are never finished, they are a work in progress!

May your Website be Profitable.


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