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E-currency Exchange Trading

If you are reading this article you are probably one of the many people who have spent countless hours searching for unique ways to make money on the internet. Very few people have gone on to succeed and most have failed miserably time and time again.

So how are some people succeeding? The answer is quite simple; they are finding a business that works with their specific strengths and needs. The majority of people today trying to get into the home-based business industry are not salesmen and genius marketers. People fiddle around looking in all the wrong places wasting loads of money on advertising that isn't working and E-books that promise wealth.

It took me five years to find a business that did not involving selling, building a down-line or that required me to recruit more people. That is when I stumbled across e-currency exchange trading.

So what is it then? E-currency exchange allows users to build a financial portfolio through a complex system of thousands of people exchanging funds from dollars to electronic currency. There are two sides to the trading system, the portfolio side and the console side.

Initially users can create a portfolio that receives 1.5% to 4.0% gains per day on the amount of money in the portfolio. For example, if you put in $1,000 and received gains at a rate of 3.5%, your profits for one day would be $3.50. This money is compounded daily and grows continuously over time. It is not uncommon for people who initially invest $100 to grow their portfolio value to $1000 in 1 month. It is easy to see that over time there is money to be made here.

Once you have been in the e-currency exchange program for 90 days and your portfolio has grown to a value of $5000, you are able to apply for a console. With a console you can now process requests from people that wish to take their money from e-currency and convert it back to the dollar or from the dollar back to e-currency. Console holders receive a percentage of the total amount exchanged as profit. Usually people take that profit and reinvest back into their portfolio.

The only down-side is learning how to navigate through the e-currency network which is extremely difficult without assistance. Most people try it out for a few days, become frustrated and quit because they simply do not know what they are doing. There are plenty of resources available if one just takes the time to look for them.

Copyright 2005 Timothy Rohrer

Learn how Tim Rohrer turned $100 into $1,500 in 32 days trading e-currencies. E-mail: [email protected] Feel free to contact us at anytime via phone or e-mail.


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