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Comic Book Collecting, Oh What An Enjoyable Past Time It Is!

Have you ever read a comic book before? I imagine just about everyone, at some time in their life, has read at least one comic book. But do your interests and enjoyment level go beyond that? You may have said to yourself, at sometime or another, I would like to start a comic book collection some day. Heck, you may even have several comic books lying around that you have just never organized.

What do I do to start a comic book collection and what all do I need? Well, as I am sure you realize, you need to start with a passion. You have a passion, you say, but you don't want to be labeled a "comic book geek" and remain alone in your enjoyment. Well, my suggestion to you is "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" and believe me, you are not alone. You would be amazed at the multitudes of individuals who have a passion for comic books. And there are a plethora of related sites on the Web.

I couldn't get enough of these colorful action-packed little devils when I was young. But like any supposedly responsible individual, I lay my passion aside when I got older and when to college and got a good job. Well in the last several months, I have rekindled that childhood passion and have spent a good share of my time researching and creating my own comic book website. And what a rush it has been reintroducing myself to myself. I am finding quite an avid interest in all the new comic book hero movies Hollywood is cranking out. I have even started my own comic book hero DVD collection. And this is big business, so I know there are throngs of people out there with my same interests and I hope to connect with many of them through my website.

I ran into a major thrill the other day glancing through the want ads of my local newspaper. Lo and behold, someone was selling a comic book collection. A quick call and a meeting in the shopping mall parking lot and I was the proud owner of 189 comic books kept in beautiful condition. And get this; it cost me $50.00 for the whole collection. I have as yet to determine the actual worth of the collection, but it has got to be substantially more than what I paid for it. As time goes on, I will be organizing all of them in a spreadsheet and using my trusty copy of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide to determine my new collection's total worth. As I do that, I will be reporting results on my website.

Through all my research over the last many months, I have even created an ebook product on how to start a comic book collection, which is filled with Internet resources. I want to have an inexpensive resource available to help others, with the same passion I have, to get started. If you care to see what the book is about, you can check it out at and let me know what you think.

When you start your collection, you will need to start thinking about sources to purchase your comic books from. You will want to start learning about comic book supplies to help preserve and organize your magazines. You will want to learn how the rest of the industry goes about grading physical condition and what your individual comics are worth. Personally though, I believe some of the greatest worth in a comic book is what it means to you and the enjoyment you receive from owning these little pieces of art. You may even what to find where all the great comic book conventions are and if there are any close to you. All of this information is available on the Net and I am hoping to build a central hub to all this other great info.

Want to start a collection? Come on over and visit me. Kick your shoes off and stay for a while. I don't think you will be disappointed. You may even want to bookmark my site. Have something of value you want me to add or a question that needs an answer? I am all ears. So start scanning the want ads and I will see you at my site. Flame on! Or was that "Up, Up and Away"?

Dave Gieber, a former rocket engineer, has decided to take up residency on the Internet. He is the owner and editor of several websites, one of which was built around one of his childhood passions; You can visit here to keep up to date on the world of comic books and comic book collecting. Feel free to sign up for his comic book ezine at


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