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How to Write Ads that Pull Orders

If your ads aren't paying off then you need this quick method in writing ads that get orders.

Step 1 - Write a headline that will draw attention to your product or service.
Don't write headlines with phrases like:  Attention please!!  
Create headlines that IMMEDIATELY let people know what  you  are selling. 
If you have envelopes for sale at a discount, use a headline, which says:  Discount Envelopes.

Step 2 - Don't confuse the reader with several different offers in one ad. 
Use more space if you intend to advertise several offers.
If only one inch of ad space is being used, then sell only one item.
An example of copy that would describe Discount Envelopes would read as follows: 
"Discount Envelopes.  Descriptive catalog available FREE with your order for 100 #10 Business Envelopes imprinted with up to 4 lines.
$3.95Ppd. Catalog without order, 256."

Step 3- An ad that sells GENERAL MERCHANDISE or services that can be used by most individuals can be advertised in any publication.
Offers such as stamps should be advertised as GENERAL MERCHANDISE.

Copyright 2004

DeAnnaSpencer is the Publisher of Prospecting and Presents.
Subscribers get one free ad per week. 
Subscribe today by visiting 
To thank the editors that use my articles, I give them a free
solo ad.  To get your free solo ad, contact me using the form
on my contact page.  Be sure to include the url where my
article is located so that I can confirm the use of the article.
Ezine editors: you can remove the instructions regarding obtaining
your solo ad when you run this article in your ezine or on your website.


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Is Advertising Art?
Oh Grand and Glorious Southern Guru, I am perplexed. What ails thee, my pea brained little grasshopper? My sleep has been short, my walls have been climbed, my hair has been pulled.

Offline Advertising Tips
Since most of us are always online and our business is online, we often forget the importance of advertising our business offline. Print advertising can be one of the best forms of advertising for your buck.

Advertising, Public Relations, Newsletters, and Newsletters for Your Small Business
If you own a small business you should consider ways to promote yourself through public relations to compliment you advertising regiment and keeping your name out in the public and in front of your best customers. There are many ways to keep yourself visible on top of your typical advertising choices.

The ONLY Type Of Advertising People LOVE!!
Can it be? Is there advertising that people actually love? You bet there is! And you are already very aware of it. The type of advertising I'm referring to is promotional items, also known as advertising specialties.

What Colors Make Your Services Most Attractive?
This information is based on the principles of Laws of Attraction, Law of Allowing and Law of Deliberate Creation. And the Universal Laws of Energy (like attract likes) proven by Quantum Physics.

Internet Advertising: How To Use The Golden Rule To Enrich Yourself.
What is the golden rule of internet advertising? Give, so you may receive. It is as simple as that.

God Bless The Refrigerator Magnet!
Ah, my very favorite promotional product of all, the refrigerator magnet. They are my favorite, because they are so extremely inexpensive, and extremely effective in getting your company name seen in countless locations.

Moving Message Board
Moving message boards are used in the areas where continuous announcements, or other information are need to be displayed in to either indoor or outdoor. Used most widely in churches, schools, airports, other transport stations, banks, production and administration department of organization as marquee information billboards.

Indoor LED Displays
To promote the audience, staff, customers and other people the Indoor LED displays are most widely used. By incorporating the latest technology Indoor LED displays provide exceptional service for a great value.

7 Questions to Ask Before You Advertise
Most business owners and managers keep a fairly close eye on their marketing budgets. And nothing throws a budget out of whack faster than advertising.

How To Get Big Sponsorship Money for Your Band, Tour, Event or Production
Touring is a bands greatest opportunity for success. But, touring can be very expensive.

Power Headlines for Promotion Success
Do you send email to your Online audience to let them know about an upcoming teleclass, your service or your book? Do you have a seminar "flyer" on your web site? The biggest mistake professionals and entrepreneurs make is to announce, rather than promote themselves. Each piece you send or put on your web site should begin with the #1 copywriting winner--the headline.

Super Secret Tip For Using PPC Search Engine Advertising Successfully
It's not about traffic; it's about generating leads. That's right.

How To Write More Powerful Brochures, Leaflets, And Catalogues
Probably the most interesting thing about brochures and leaflets is that they're seldom read in what we've come to know as the right order - as you would read a book. Rather in the same way that many people read magazines in dentists' waiting rooms, they will flick through brochures and leaflets and stop to take a longer look at bits that grab their attention.

Don't Be a Secret Agent
This tactic of the game was hard for me to master and at first I failed many times. I carried my business cards only in my briefcase, because I thought they were only used in business.

11 Ways To Make Your Business Cards Work For You
1. Spend money on decent quality business cards.

Advertising Agency In Boston: Tips and Tricks
The big news on Wall Street last year was the initial public offering of Internet search engine Google. If you were a visitor from another planet, you might be asking yourself, What big, sophisticated, high-technology company is behind the success of Google? Could it be IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Apple, Oracle, SAP, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, Dell, Xerox, Sun Microsystems, Philips or Siemens? Of course not.

If You Want To Get More Customers, Here's 10 Powerful Stories To Improve Your Ads
Remember, as a child lying in bed and listening to stories. Remember how engaged you were.

Getting the Most Out of Your Networking Group
Here is my personal list of things to do at your networking group:(1) Bring your business cards. Sound simple? Well, I regularly meet people at networking groups who have forgotten their cards or their cards are at the printers.

7 Tips for Better Ads
The content of advertising is basically the same no matter what the media. It is good and it works, or it is bad.

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