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We already know this from our history books. If you want to make money today, you must first look back in time to the first time in history that a large portion of our country all tried to get rich at the same time in the same place. The first discovery of gold was at Sutter's Mill by James W. Marshall in 1948, Mr. Sutter's mill contractor and builder. This discovery sprang thousands upon thousands of ambitious individuals to get rich which we refer to as the "Gold Rush."
As you can imagine, these people were not that much different from the thousands of new entrepreneurs trying to get rich on the Internet. But out of all those thousands of people seeking their fortunes, only about 4% to 6% of them even found enough gold to feed themselves. And history books tell us that less than 1% ever became wealthy. This is so similar to the Internet of today that the two are worth comparing.
BUT Wait! A completely different group of people became extremely wealthy in those exact same gold fields...
Who were these people who managed to get rich during those hard times?
They were the people who opened little stores not far from where all the people were digging and panning for gold! These people were the smartest group because they chose to sell the tools that they knew all those gold diggers were going to need. This special group of individuals some how knew that it was a waste of time to dig and pan for gold. This amazing group of people wanted something with better odds. They wanted a sure thing!
They knew that the miners couldn't mine unless they had clothing, tools, and food. So these genius store owners made their fortunes selling the shovels, jackets, pants, wheel barrows, picks, pans, beer, food, hats, medicine and etc. So it didn't matter to them if a miner found gold and got rich or whether that miner couldn't find an ounce of gold. It just didn't matter to the men and women who owned the stores because no matter what, all those people in search of gold still needed massive amounts of supplies to live and more tools to keep trying. The shopkeepers were always there to sell all these supplies!
Whether gold was found or not, during any given day, the shop keepers made the same consistent amount of solid income!
Below you're about to find out why all this is relevant to you and your Internet income.
You now know that history has proven that if you do exactly what the masses of people are doing to get rich, you'll most likely fail. And you now know that if you provide products or services to that large group of people that are all trying to get rich, you'll most likely become wealthy. It's simple! Turn those gold diggers into your customers!
Just for a moment, separate yourself from the rest of them - sit back and relax. While sitting there, watch what they are doing; pay attention to what they are looking for and what they are using to get it. Once you have figured these things out you will know what to do to turn them into your customers.
But in case you don't, here's the simple answer to how you're about to turn all of today's Internet gold diggers into your own customers. First of all, you must ask yourself this question: "What is the single most important thing to all of today's Internet gold diggers? What do they crave and desire the most?"
The answer is "Traffic." In case you're new to the Internet, the word "Traffic," of course, means visitors to your web site. It doesn't take Internet marketers long to figure out that even though they have a professional web site up, not a single person is ever going to visit that web site unless it gets advertised. You have to know where to get traffic and generate MORE traffic.
With all that in mind, I'm about to discuss a very important subject and it may be very controversial to some, and even cause me to lose a few customers but I MUST make my point.
You hear this from people around you, your teachers, your advisors, even television, "knowledge is power." Do you agree?
Please explain.
I've asked a few people this same question and some have explained, "Well, yeah, without knowledge you have no authority."
"Well, it's obvious, without knowledge you have no power."
"Knowledge is what gets the job done in your everyday task."
While these are good explanations, I disagree. You're baffled. Totally understandable because I'm probably the only person on Earth standing up to this worldwide, coined phrase. So I better begin explaining myself before I start receiving hate mails. Allow me to explain by using an example.
Can you agree electricity is power? It has the power to turn your lights on, it's what plays your radio, and it's what starts up your car. Or does it? Electricity doesn't just magically turn your light on, automatically play your radio nor does it mysteriously start your engine. No. The electricity HAS TO BE APPLIED.
Like electricity, knowledge doesn't magically write your sales letter, knowledge doesn't automatically file your folders and knowledge doesn't mysteriously tune up your car. It has to be "APPLIED."
"Where are you going with this," you might ask.
Simply this, "knowledge" is only POTENTIAL POWER. All the knowledge that you hold within you is nothing unless you put it to use. That's it. If after reading this article and you decide to do nothing then you will have wasted your time and effort. Unless you apply what I've taught you, you will have thrown away your money. You can learn from my 4 years of experience or you can ignore it, the choice is yours.
I'm not here to change your mind about anything, I'm just pointing out important aspects to consider and I can only hope it has opened your mind and drive you to take action.
Van Lam is a business opportunity reviewer who speaks his mind and shares his thoughts. He has written a new ebook called, "The Hidden Secrets Revealed." Visit his web site to read the reviews and register at his Private Forum for plenty of free products to download and to chat with other network marketers and online opportunity enthusiasts. http://www.networkersdebut.com
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