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Sorry, I Don't Seem to Have a Business Card With Me...
Those could be the "famous last words" of the forgetful entrepreneur.
If you habitually find yourself without a business card, you're habitually losing money; or at least the chance of making money. Your business card, more than any other marketing weapon in your arsenal, is what prospects and colleagues rely upon to remind them why they should do business with you.
Forgetting a business card is a marketing mistake of significant proportions. We're so inundated with advertising messages that most of us learn to tune them out. Yet every time you're asked for a business card, and sheepishly reply that you don't have one with you, you're missing an honest-to-goodness invitation to market to someone.
Worse, leaving your business card behind when you may need it is a social faux pas as well.
Being asked for a business card is a compliment. Not having one with you at that critical moment is subtly offensive. It puts both you and the person requesting the card in an embarrassing situation. And it nonverbally tells your prospect that you're not quite the business person they thought. You're not really serious about your business, or too careless and forgetful to be entrusted with theirs.
If you're determined not to be caught "cardless" at a critical meeting again, here are some tips to help you remember:
Develop a strategy for using business cards to actively promote your business
It may be as simple as deciding to give 5 or 10 cards away every day. It may mean printing labels describing your current promotion, sticking them to the back of your cards, and pinning them to bulletin boards. Whatever! The point is that if you consciously figure out a way to use your business cards to bring in business, you're much less likely to forget them.
Invest in new cards
If you haven't ordered business cards within the past two years, there's a good chance that the information or photo is out of date by now. And if your last order was for 1000 cards and there are still 990 cards left, ask yourself why you haven't been passing them out. If it's because you dislike the cards, pitch them and get business cards you're proud of!
Draft and practice a business card presentation
Unless you're comfortable and confident when handing out your card, you won't do it. Besides, the words and actions that accompany your business card when you give it to someone can really cement a positive first impression.
Invest in a quality business card case, one that you're proud to show off and to use
Business card cases can be conversation starters in and of themselves, since there are so many unusual, classic and artistic choices available. I suggest investing in a few cases; a more professional, elegant case for formal business occasions and a flashy or fun holder for social situations.
Tuck a few business cards everywhere
Your car's glove compartment. Your briefcase. Your gym bag. Your wife's purse. Next to the front door on the table where you keep your keys. Your desk drawer. Your secretary's desk. The pocket of your coat. Your suitcase. Never leave home without them!
About The Author
Recent advances in online technology allow you design business cards online in your web browser. No special downloads, no hidden costs, easy WYSIWYG design. Choose from thousands of photographic quality backgrounds. Browse one of the web's largest collection of business card networking articles and learn how to make your cards a powerful marketing weapon.
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Create Your Own Business Cards, Part 1 In this lesson, we will create a business card, using Microsoft Word. I created a new template for my business card. What To Do With Your Business Cards Without a plan to distribute your cards, there's no need to print them in the first place.Many fall into the trap of thinking all the thinking about business cards is over once the order is placed. 7 Unique Ways To Get FREE Advertising 1. Give Testimonials When you purchase a product or service and it exceeds your expectations e-mail the business a testimonial. Advertising - Does it Matter? When advertising, you need to sell your opportunity, your products and yourself. What sets you apart from everyone else? Maybe you produce a newsletter with a specific content where there is a demand from a particular group of people, or you promote your own special product that no one have not yet seen. Pros and Cons of Establishing an In-House Ad Agency There have been several ads promoting books and reports on thissubject, or included as part of the contents in several mailorder books stating: "SAVE UP TO 17% ON ALL YOUR ADVERTISING" It's legitimate, practical and effective, but like so many otherpromises, there are pros and cons involved. The pros are fairlyobvious. Measure the Response of Your Advertising Campaigns by Using Promotional Products For most companies, gone are the days of spending money just for the pleasure of seeing their name on TV or the Internet. Most companies today are forced to insist on results. Secrets And Top-Tips Of Mail Order Advertising Good Advertising creates more production, thus greater consumption, faster turnover and lower sales price per unit. To a great extent it determines the success or failure of the mail order operator! 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Attention-Grabbing Fixes that Make Your Yellow Page Ad Leap Off the Page Stand Out in Ways that Matter to Directory Users A Yellow Page directory presents a difficult challenge for advertisers. All the competitors are packed together, within the space of a few pages. 10 Tips For Writing A Profit Producing Ad 1. You can get ad copy ideas by studying similar product's advertising material. Using The Popularity of Celebrities and Current Events to Promote Your Business In this article, we want to explore the idea of using the popularity of celebrities and current event (news) topics to help market any internet business.The IdeaCelebrities and news events are not only popular topics, they are also popular "keywords" in the major search engines. Media Savvy - How To Manage Your Time To Gain The Best Media Coverage Did you know generating positive media coverage is four times more effective than advertising? Getting exposure in the media is far-reaching, utterly credible and free. 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